Games running Sun 3:30-4:25pm

Please note, Game-itoba is a volunteer event and of course things do come up, events may be rescheduled or cancelled at short notice, we will try to notify you by email should that be the case but it may not be possible.

Everything (Featured Games, Open Games)
Friday: 6:30pm, 7:30pm, 8:30pm, 9:30pm, 10:30pm, 11:30pm
Saturday: 9:30am, 10:30am, 11:30am, 12:30pm, 1:30pm, 2:30pm, 3:30pm, 4:30pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm, 7:30pm, 8:30pm, 9:30pm, 10:30pm, 11:30pm
Sunday: 9:30am, 10:30am, 11:30am, 12:30pm, 1:30pm, 2:30pm, 3:30pm

Key:- Play to Win | Tournament | Local Designer | Sponsor | For Kids | Family Friendly | Mature Themes

When Game Name Type Spaces Location GM
Sun 1:30-4:25pmSpirit IslandBoardgameFullH03Ross
Spirit Island is a complex and thematic co-operative game about defending your island home from colonizing Invaders. Players are different spirits of the land, each with its own unique elemental powers. All expansions and spirits are available for play (Nature Incarnate, Jagged Earth, Feather & Flame, Branch & Claw).
Sun 1:30-4:25pmThe Elder Scrolls: Betrayal of the Second EraBoardgame3 availableSH3Shannon Wedge
Mature Themes
The Elder Scrolls: Betrayal of the Second Era is a cooperative adventure game where players take on the roles of customizable heroes, each with unique classes, skills, and abilities that evolve throughout the journey.
Players will explore one of the regions of Tamriel, levelling up their characters and facing a mix of strategic combat, dungeon crawling, and narrative-driven challenges.
In this demo, players will create their characters and experience a shortened version of the first session of a campaign (which typically unfolds over three play sessions).
Sun 2:30-4:25pmILO drop-in Play to Win LibraryBoardgameDrop-InG*1ILO
Play to Win
Join ILO to play a game from their play to win library, play the game and enter the draw to win some of the games played at the end of the event (draws on Sunday).
Sun 2:30-4:25pmLearn to Play PathfinderRPGFullR07PFS
Family Friendly
Learn to Play Pathfinder Second Edition! This fantasy role-playing game is easy to learn. You can play one of the pre-generated characters, or bring your own following the rules for the Pathfinder Society Organized Play program (see details at the link above).
Sun 3:30-4:25pmPlay to Win Coffee RushBoardgameFullGF4John reichel
Play to Win & Family Friendly
The rules will not be taught. You need to know how to play this game by ether attending one of the Learn to Play to borrowing it from the library.
Sun 3:30-4:25pmGorus MaximusCardgameFullGE4Jez
Mature Themes
Gorus Maximus is a bloody trick-taking game of gladiatorial combat in which the trump suit can change mid-trick! Dispatch your strongest gladiators and most ferocious beasts to earn crowd favor!
Sun 3:30-4:25pmLearn to play ArboretumBoardgameFullGG4John reichel
Family Friendly
While laying out cards from the various family of trees, try to make the path is a orthogonally adjacent chain of cards with increasing values. However you can only score your played cards if you have the highest value of that tree type still in your hand.
Sun 3:30-4:25pmPlayPropBoardgameFullH05Cherry
Family Friendly
Don't let your Props get captured by the Cupper when a seven or double is rolled in this fast action reaction game. We might be able to play multiple games (if time allows).

8 games in this slot, thanks to all of our GMs for making Game-itoba such a great place to try new games

Please note, Game-itoba is a volunteer event and of course things do come up, games may be rescheduled or cancelled at short notice, we will try to notify you by email should that be the case but it may not be possible.

8 total, 6 full (1 drop-in)

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